Seed World

How Chris Hewitt is Shaping the Future of Seed Treatment

There’s a generational shift happening. In less than eight years, a new generation will step up to replace the seven million people over 65 in Canada. Investing in young leaders is needed now more than ever.

Fortunately for the seed industry, the future’s in good hands.

Germination asked for nominations for 10 leaders in the industry who showcase a drive for bettering the global seed industry. These leaders come from a range of businesses — from multinationals to associations to independent companies. They all have one goal in common: leading the seed sector into the future.

These 10 Next-Gen Leaders were nominated by their managers, their peers, and different seed associations who saw their potential as up-and-coming leaders. Here’s the fourth.


Chris Hewitt’s involvement with seed industry committees and organizations in Canada has been a valuable learning experience. His involvement with Seeds Canada — he sits on the Seed Applied Technologies Committee — shows his desire to help shape the future of seed treatment in Canada for years to come.

He also works closely with BASF’s InVigor canola business, helping it launch its latest seed treatment innovations, which directly touch a huge number of Canadian growers.

“It’s helped me to better understand the needs of others in the industry and to identify opportunities for collaboration and problem-solving,” he says.

“Whether the challenges are big or small, every effort to address them can help to improve the industry as a whole.”

It’s true that many of the challenges faced by different members of the industry are the same, even though they may be dealing with different crops or regions, he says.

By bringing together these groups, there is great opportunity to address common issues and challenges that affect a vast majority of the crop system in Canada.

He’s had a diverse range of experiences within BASF. Hewitt has already made a big impact with the launch of Teraxxa F4 seed treatment in Canada — a game changer for wheat growers.

“Seed treatments is a very interesting place to be because you get to bridge the gap between crop protection and the seed industry. It’s highly competitive,” he says.

“I’ve found you can make a difference in Canadian ag by pushing the boundaries for what’s next, whether it be yield or otherwise.”