b'filed a lawsuit in 2013 with the purpose of claiming that the plant-ing of genetically modified corn affects biological diversity, as well as the rights to food and health, he says. This trial is still ongoing, that is, there is still no final sentence, however, there is a provisional measure since 2013, which prevents the planting of genetically modified corn. For this reason, the companies have opted to sell seeds of hybrid maize and are currently working with them.One of the other stated reasons for this decree was to help protect native Mexican corn species, as Osorio mentioned previously.However, most corn planted and grown in Mexico doesnt fall into this native categoryinstead, Osorio mentions that growers tend to favor hybrid corn production for a few different reasons.Despite the fact that Mexico has an enormous large-scale maize production, this production is not of native maize, but hybrid maize, he says. Due to their characteristics, native maize is not attractive to large-scale producers, since not only it does not have high yields, but its use is very limited, in such a way that this type of maize is mainly in the hands of peasant communities. It is important to note that this type of maize cannot compete with hybrids in terms of resistance and productivity.Growers in Mexico remain concerned with longer term pro-ductivity in the corn industry. Primarily, Osorio sees one major concern coming to mind: producers are concerned with the disadvantages they see in relation to productivity with other countries that have access to GM seeds. For the moment though, producers arent demanding GM technologyinstead, theyre seeking more robust hybrids.Currently, Mexican producers do not have access to geneti-cally modified seeds, since seed companies do not have them in their portfolios in Mexico, Osorio says. In this sense, it is not expected that there will be changes in the behavior of the corn seed trade, since I reiterate that there is no offer of genetically modified corn seeds in the portfolios of the seed companies.SWLATAMSEEDWORLD.COM /25'