b'CONTENTS / DECEMBER 2022In Every Issue126 StrategyWith rapid consolidation in the seed sector, intellectual property is held by a handful of businesses. Is there need for future reform?130 Cross Pollination132 World Status136 Industry News96 140 140 Breeding History: Paperwhites142 If You Missed It144 Giant ViewsColumns We owe it to future generations to deal proactively with regulatory, political 30 The HR Handbook challenges.Networking provides a gift of self-reflection.86 Seed Innovation Protection AllianceWhat commitments are seed companies making to innovation?96 Sense, Nonsense and SciencePutins appetite for war has the world feeling pangsof hunger.144Special Sections48 INSIDERSProblems tackling an issue in your business? Cant seemOn The Coverto find a creative solution? Our INSIDERS are here toDecembers cover features provide advice, tackling problems from social media tothe American Seed Trade seed sizing to stewardship. INSIDERS come from acrossAssociations (ASTA) Chair, the seed industry, and theyre glad to coach you onJim Schweigert. Schweigert things that have worked in their business. has been active in the seed industry his whole 90 Content from APSA life but really took a dive Insights and inspiration from the 2022 APSA awardinto engagement with the recipients. industry in 2003 after his first ASTA meeting. Make sure to read his feature on page 62. Azena Photography, azenaphoto.com4/ SEEDWORLD.COMDECEMBER 2022'