Seed World

Danish Minister for Environment and Food launches a new partnership to push forward the global agenda to ensure better food for more people

In 2016 a movement was initiated in Denmark at the World Food Summit – Better Food for More People. The purpose was to start an international dialogue on how to unleash the full potential of gastronomy in the cities of the world in order to ensure better food for more people.

As an annual event the World Food Summit – Better Food for More People continues to target the challenges of creating sustainable consumption and production patterns.

The Danish Minister for Environment and Food Esben Lunde Larsen is now extending the World Food Summit with a Global Strategic Partnership in order to ensure engagement of countries, megacities and companies etc. committed to address the food challenges of global relevance. The Global Strategic Partnership will guide the better food for more people-movement in direction of achieving as much influence as possible.

“The ‘better food for more people’ agenda is fundamental to our global society. Therefore I am very enthusiastic about the new partnership with international influencers onboard which I am confident will bring this agenda even further,” says Esben Lunde Larsen, Danish Minister for Environment and Food.

The Global Strategic Partnership involves outstanding leaders from politics, business, gastronomy, academia and civil society. Among the members are Carolyn Steel, Architect and Author, Michiel Kernkamp, CEO, Nestlé Nordics, Michael LaCour, Managing Director, Ikea Food, Mella Frewen, Director General, FoodDrinkEurope, Selina Juul, Founder of Stop Wasting Food Movement Denmark, Hildreth England, MIT Media Lab, Henrik Wegener, Rector, Copenhagen University, Toine Timmermans, Program Manager Circular Economy in Food, Wageningen University & Research Center, Kim Rahbek, CEO and founder of af Sticks´n´Sushi, Cees de Jong, CEO, Chr. Hansen, Karen Hækkerup, CEO, Danish Agriculture and Food Council and Craig Hanson, Global Director of Food, Forests and Water, World Resources Institute.