The Politics of Sustainability

Sustainability is a hot, trendy word that we are hearing everywhere. The word itself is not political but it is thrown around frequently in politics. What does the word even mean? Do you think that politics impact the way we view the word, not even the meaning?

Politics impact a lot of areas of the seed and agricultural sectors including as we move towards trying to implement for sustainable practices. Do the politics cloud the goals that organizations and producers are trying to reach? Is there a way we can move towards meeting our goals as a unit without it being politized?

On August 9th at 12:00 CDT, Seed Speaks will host two panelists to discuss more about the politics of sustainability. Joining us are:

Brad M. Brinkworth, founding partner and managing director of Inc. Brinkworth is a founding partner and Managing Director of Inc., a strategic communications firm based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, working with select clients in areas including agriculture, innovation, sustainability and more.

He is a graduate of the University of Minnesota in journalism and communication. A core focus of is helping organizations and companies tell their story more effectively to enhance relationships, strengthen brand and meet business objectives, with an emphasis on building authenticity, trust and social license.

Brinkworth has won numerous provincial and national awards. He has served as a board member and volunteer with professional organizations such as Canadian Farm Writers’ Federation (CFWF), the Canadian Agri-Marketing Association (CAMA) and the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC). He regularly donates his time to industry and professional initiatives.

Brinkworth and his family, wife Leanne, sons Liam and Eric and daughter Sophie, along with yorkie Lulu, live in the suburban west side of Calgary. Brinkworth enjoys rec hockey and a variety of outdoor activities including mountain biking and skiing.

Greg Ruehle, COO of Arva Intelligence. Ruehle currently serves as the Chief Operating Officer for Arva Intelligence, focusing on securing nature-based environmental assets from farm and ranch operations.

Previously, Ruehle has served as the CEO for ServiTech, a midwest-based agronomy services and laboratory testing firm. He also served the seed industry for ten years as the CEO for the Independent Professional Seed Association (IPSA).

Ruehle and his family reside in southwestern Kansas, where they also farm and raise purebred cattle.