December 1, 2015

The International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) shares the importance of maintaining global seed testing standards...

Uniformity in seed testing is essential for quality control. Learn how to ensure accuracy and...

As agriculture and farmers around the world work to mitigate and adapt to the complex...

Early results from Vivid Life Sciences’ replicated summer field trials are showing the benefits of...

Limagrain Cereals Research Canada (LCRC) hires Jason Reinheimer as its senior breeder, effective Feb. 15, 2016. Jason...

Scientists from the University of Geneva and ETH Zurich report a new genetically-engineered cassava variety...

An International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) expert says the Philippines has a lot of potential...

Jeong-Dong Lee, a professor in the School of Applied Biosciences at Kyungpook National University, works...

The 8th National Seed Congress in Hyderabad appealed to the Telangana state government to develop...

Seed companies expand in-field support using the latest in data science. Options abound in the...

A gene that can prevent some of the most important wheat diseases has been identified,...