b'BREEDING HISTORY / BRUSSEL SPROUTSExploring the innovations and breakthroughs of breeding throughout generations of plants.1200s 1500s 1800sTHE FIRST KNOWNBRUSSELS SPROUTSBRUSSEL SPROUTS MENTION OFGAINED POPULARITYMADE THEIR WAY BRUSSEL SPROUTSTHROUGHOUTACROSS THE ATLANTIC IS IN WHAT IS NOWEUROPE LARGELYTO NORTH AMERICA, MODERN-DAYDUE TO CULTIVATIONINTRODUCED TO THE BRUSSELS,ADVANCEMENTS. U.S. BY FRENCH BELGIUM. SETTLERS IN LOUISIANA.Brussel sprouts were invented by the Romans. They were cultivated into its many forms by the Romans, later refined by the Belgians.100 DAYSIS THE AVERAGE GROWING SEASON FOR BRUSSEL SPROUTS. Brussel Sprouts belong to the Brassica family of vegetables.8.3 kgWAS THE HEAVIEST RECORDED BRUSSEL SPROUT. THIS MASSIVE SPROUT WAS GROWN IN LLANHARRY, WALES IN 1992 BY BERNARD LAVERY.31is the most Brussel sprouts eaten in one minute. This record is held by Linus Urbanec from Sweden.Brussel sprouts are90%water.Sources: Harvesting History, Nature and Garden, Oxford Student, Shuncy126/ SEEDWORLD.COMDECEMBER 2023'