Seed World

Dutch Seed Symposium Scheduled for 3 October

The 6th Dutch Seed Symposium will be held at Tuesday 3 October 2017 in Wageningen.

The programme will bring seed science and seed business together and invited national and international speakers from academia and the seed businesses. The Symposium is an initiative of Dutch seed companies, associated in Plantum, the Dutch plant reproduction material industry association.

The programme is full of interesting speakers, the audience is full of interesting people to meet. If you work with or are interested in seeds, seed physiology or biostimulants, this is a symposium you shouldn’t miss. The titles of the presentations are not all set yet, but the most of the speakers are:

  • Bill Finch-Savage – University of Warwick
  • Francesca Quattrocchio – UvA
  • Kathrin Bachman – Bayer Crop Science
  • Jos Wubben – NVWA
  • Piet Boonekamp – Artemis
  • Eline Verbon – University of Utrecht
  • Julia Buitink – INRA, IRHS

Participation is open for members and non members of Plantum. For participating an entrance fee of 100 euro per person, including lunch, will be charged with a maximum of 600 euro per company for six or more participants of one company. Registration will open soon. For information, click here.