Seed World

ESA’s New Communication Initiative ‘Embracing The Power Of Nature’, Aims To Engage With A Wider Public Interested In Learning About Plant Breeding And Latest Plant Breeding Methods

Plant breeding innovation is essential for sustainable agriculture. It is a natural step to help us ensure food quality, reduce crop loss and food waste, and address tomorrow’s agri-food challenges.

Yet many people in Europe are not aware of the crucial contribution that plant breeding has made to the evolution of agriculture and food production.

Last week, more than 40 ESA members, especially communication and advocacy experts from national associations and companies, gathered in Brussels to discuss how to exploit fully the potential of ESA membership and beyond in better communicating on the role and relevance of plant breeding innovation for farming and society at large.

For this purpose, ESA is busy working on a new communication initiative ‘Embracing the Power of Nature’, the aim of which is to engage with a wider public interested in learning about plant breeding and latest plant breeding methods.

You can already follow the conversation on social media, with these hashtags: #embracingnatureand #plantbreeding, and visit our brand new website

This is just the beginning of our campaign, and we will continue sharing interesting news, resources, information, links etc.

Stay tuned, keep following our new initiative.. and keep #embracingnature!