2025 – Issue 1 – Seed World Europe

Plant for the Future ETP reviews 20 years of plant breeding research and investment in Europe. Their 2024 report analyzes R&I funding trends from FP7 to Horizon Europe, revealing key insights and areas for improvement.
We hear from Artur Paszkowski, Deputy Director of the Polish Seed Trade Association, as it is Poland’s turn to hold the presidency of the Council of the European Union. Poland will chair the Council with the main slogan “Security, Europe!”.
In June 2022, Ukraine achieved EU candidate status. However, to gain full membership, the country must fulfill numerous requirements, including significant transformations in its agricultural sector. We speak with three experts to find out what is the current state of the industry, and what lies ahead.

Seed World February 2025

In this issue, AOSCA CEO Sarah Wilbanks shares her insights on the seed industry and her commitment to ensuring agriculture continues to meet the needs of future generations. She explores the challenges ahead, discusses leadership and opportunities, and looks toward 2025 and beyond.
Our Seed to Sip series continues, exploring how corn influences bourbon’s flavor and legacy. As the foundation of this distinctive American whiskey, corn plays a vital role in shaping both its taste and its impact on U.S. culture and the global spirit’s market.
A new survey shows consumers generally support regenerative agriculture… but turns out, they don’t know what it is. Are they willing to pay for it? And what can the seed sector learn from the results?

Seed World Canada – January 2025

In this issue, we speak to Antoine Bernet, the country division head at Bayer Crop Science Canada who gives us a peek into the playbook for Bayer’s canola business. Also, as Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s role in variety development evolves, experts agree the time has come to turn talk into decisive action and how we need to act now to safeguard plant breeding. And as in every January issue, we feature the best of the best with the recipients of the 2025 Canadian Plant Breeding Innovation (CPBI) Awards: three scholarship recipients and three visionary breeders from the University of Saskatchewan.

Seed World U.S. – December 2024

Seed World U.S. December highlights Julia Daum’s work on BASF’s Nemasphere, the first SCN trait in 60+ years, and insights from economist Andrew Swanson on U.S. corn industry trends, tech, and competition. Explore impacts of weather, markets, no-till farming, the SCN Coalition, and more shaping agriculture.

Seed World LATAM – Issue 2 – Spanish

En este número, hablamos con Ignacio Bartolomé, Gerente General de la mayor multinacional agrícola de Argentina, GDM. Bartolomé compartió la historia de su trayectoria desde que emprendió un camino por su propia cuenta hasta que se unió a la empresa familiar. Sus planes incluyen el dominio de tecnologías innovadoras, abrirse a nuevos mercados en todo el mundo y la ampliación de la cartera de cultivos de la empresa.
Conversamos con varias asociaciones nacionales de semillas de LATAM y les preguntamos qué cambios harían en su sector y qué retos y oportunidades tienen por delante.
También destacamos un nuevo concepto en investigación de cultivos: la Comparación Triádica de Opciones Tecnológicas (tricot). Se trata de entregar semillas a diversos grupos de agricultores, quienes las plantan, recopilan datos y comunican sus conclusiones a los investigadores. Este método práctico, concebido para el Sur global, permite a miles de agricultores participar en ensayos a gran escala en el mundo real y beneficiarse de los resultados.

Seed World LATAM – Issue 2 – English

In this issue, we speak with Ignacio Bartolomé, the CEO of Argentina’s largest agricultural multinational, GDM. Bartolomé shared his journey from pursuing his own path to joining the family company. His plans include embracing innovative technologies, expanding into new global markets, and broadening the company’s crop portfolio.
We asked several LATAM national seed associations what single change they would make in their sector, and what challenges and opportunities are lying ahead.
We also highlight the Triadic Comparison of Technology Options (tricot) approach. This involves giving seeds to farmers, who plant them, collect data, and report their findings to researchers. Designed for the global south, this practical method enables thousands of farmers to participate in large-scale, real-world trials and benefit from the results.

Seed World U.S. October – 2024

In our October issue, we speak with Dan Foor, the new chair of the American Seed Trade Association (ASTA). With more than two decades of experience in the seed sector, Foor’s path to leadership is defined by dedication, innovation, and a strong commitment to the industry.
Kieth Wood, the golf course superintendent of Quail Hollow Club, gives us an inside look at what goes into preparing the golf course for the 2025 PGA Championship — the perfect balance of playability and aesthetics for a major event.
We also highlight the recent National Association of Plant Breeders (NAPB) conference. The four-day event discussed food security, diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), and rethinking and revolutionizing plant breeding.

Seed World Europe – Issue 3 – 2024

In this issue, we feature Hedwich Teunissen, Managing Director at CropXR, a 2023-launched public-private consortium. Csaba Gaspar, Head of OECD Seed Schemes, discusses a recent workshop on seeds’ role in sustainable food systems in Africa. We also explore corn breeding challenges, regenerative agriculture practices, and an update from Siuzana Grygorenko on Ukraine’s progress in seed equivalence for oil crops, sugar beets, and soybeans.

Seed World Canada – September 2024

In this issue we sit down with Brent Collins, the new president of Seeds Canada. Collins talks about how he is set to tackle two big priorities that could shape the future of Canadian seed.
We also talk look at the latest with the Independent Standards Setting Body (ISSB), which was envisioned to play a crucial role in setting standards. Do we need to change the Seeds Act to make it work?
According to new research, the world is short of plant breeders… we look at how this might affect global food security.

Seed World U.S. – September 2024

In this issue, meet the top 15 North American leaders driving change in management. Plus, explore breeding’s role in sotol’s future, cybersecurity in agriculture, and advances in pest control.

Seed World LATAM, Issue 1, 2024 – Spanish

En esta edición, hablamos con Marlene Ortiz, de AMSAC, quien cambió su bata de laboratorio por un asiento en la mesa de incidencia de los derechos de los agricultores; también explicamos cómo el nuevo decreto que permite la edición genética en Uruguay es un hito importante para la ciencia y el sector de las semillas del país; y repasamos las lecciones aprendidas tras el debate sobre UPOV 91 en Argentina.

Seed World LATAM – Issue 1, 2024

In this issue we talk to AMSAC’s Marlene Ortiz, who traded in a lab coat for a seat at the advocacy table, feature how new gene editing regulation is an important milestone for science and the seed sector in Uruguay, and we review lessons learned from Argentina’s UPOV 91 debate.

Seed World Canada – July 2024

In this issue we highlight what’s significant in terms of public sector research, and we feature the director of research, development and technology of the Science and Technology Branch at AAFC François Eudes (who also serves as the national AAFC science lead for the breeding innovation and crop germplasm development portfolio). We also remember Pickseed co-founder Tom Pick, a giant of the North American seed industry who passed away and is being remembered as a visionary who served as a mentor who truly cared about those he worked with.

In this special issue, we are highlighting 100 years of the International Seed Testing Association (ISTA). With contributions from ISTA President Dr. Keshavulu Kunusoth and ISTA Secretary General Dr. Andreas Wais, we look at ISTA’s last 100 years, their global impact, benefits of ISTA membership, and look ahead to the next 100 years.

Seed World International

In this issue, we celebrate 100 years of the International Seed Federation (ISF). We highlight their milestones in the last century, and we talk with Jaap Mazereeuw, CEO of Enza Zaden and chairman of the Congress’ National Organizing Committee (NOC) about growing up in the seed sector.
We highlight emerging plant diseases and strategies for their mitigation, look at eight next-gen leaders coming out of Canada, and dive into how digital agriculture is helping mitigate the effects of extreme weather.

Seed World Europe – Issue 2 – 2024

At Seed World Europe we are very passionate about placing the EU plant breeding and seed sector in the spotlight. And an ever-growing part of the success comes from women. In the latest episode of ’20 Most’ we are recognizing and celebrating the women who are having an impact on our beloved sector. So we are proud to announce that we have put the spotlight on 20 inspiring and influential women who are actively making a difference in Europe’s seed sector.

Seed World Europe – Issue 1

Emerging plant diseases have garnered significant attention at the international level, prompting regulatory actions in various countries. Unfortunately, national and regional regulations often lack alignment, resulting in trade disruptions. These emerging diseases are persistent threats to the food and cash crops that are often critical for global food security and can be particularly devastating in limited-resource countries, where they exacerbate ongoing challenges in crop production. There are several effective strategies to pre-empt or slow the emergence of new plant disease issues and their related international trade disruptions. Most importantly, these strategies start with international alignment at every level of the seed value chain.

Seed World LATAM – Issue 2 – 2023 – SPA

En esta edición, examinamos los resultados de los recientes talleres celebrados en Perú, donde las organizaciones nacionales de semillas y las empresas privadas asociadas a la SAA se reunieron para debatir y colaborar; destacamos cómo Uruguay tiene una sólida posición en el escenario mundial de las semillas; y echamos un vistazo a Chile, el principal exportador de semillas de todo el Hemisferio Sur.

Seed World LATAM – Issue 2 – 2023

In this edition, we examined the outcomes of the recent workshops held in Peru, where national seed organizations and private companies affiliated with the SAA gathered to discuss and collaborate, featured how Uruguay has a strong position on the global seed stage, and we look at Chile, the leading seed exporter in the entire Southern Hemisphere.

Seed World U.S. – December 2023

In this issue we look at the future of corn in the Corn Belt, plant breeding for climate change, look at how UV light treatment shines a bright future for row crop seeds, and we sit down with Niklas Åström, CEO of Arevo, a Swedish-based company that offers an all-new avenue in crop nutrition.

Seed World Europe – Issue 3 – 2023

The long-awaited draft regulation for new genomic techniques (NGTs) is out. Almost five years after we thought the European Court of Justice carried EU plant breeding innovation to the grave, the EU Commission published its proposal for this regulation. We now have at least an idea of where we’re heading on this contentious topic. However, there is a huge risk that this (again) becomes politicised. NGO’s will likely make the regulatory process so incredibly complex and expensive that only those with the deepest pockets will be able to afford to create new and better varieties with gene-editing. Isn’t it better to have a wide variety of organizations that can help mitigate climate change and population increase by creating better and climate-proof varieties? Let’s make sure they can, and let’s not block this opportunity. We need all the help we can get.

Seed World Europe – Issue 2 – 2023

Ten years ago, we started with a new magazine for the European seed sector, and we didn’t know if it was going to work. Now, a decade later, we can safely say that it clearly serves a purpose, fills a gap, and has earned its place. In the 34 printed issues that have come out so far, we have filled close to 1,750 pages of content, informing a broad range of readers. And from the website analytics we know that our articles are read, not just in Europe, but all over the globe. Also in this issue, our annual ’20 Most’ list, this year with the ‘20 Most Inspiring Gen Z employees in the EU seed sector in 2022’. Check out the issue and find out what makes this generation tick, and how they think about plant breeding and the seed sector.