Trish Jordan Lays out the Thinking Behind her Draft ISSB Report

In a recent interview at the Seeds Canada annual meeting in Edmonton, Marc Zienkiewicz sat down with Trish Jordan to discuss the progress and challenges of developing the ISSB (Inclusive Standard Setting Body) draft report.

Surprisingly, the process was smoother than expected, largely due to the willingness of industry stakeholders to engage in meaningful conversations, she says. While there were differences in perspectives among key groups like Seeds Canada, CSGA (Canadian Seed Growers’ Association), and CFIA (Canadian Food Inspection Agency), the core objectives of these organizations were largely aligned, she notes.

One of the main challenges identified was the balance of power and decision-making within the seed industry. The ISSB concept aims to create an inclusive, industry-wide body that integrates diverse viewpoints, whereas the CSGA’s proposal positions itself as the primary administrator, concentrating decision-making power within a smaller, seed grower-focused group, Jordan says.

As the project moves to its next phase, Jordan will gather additional feedback, make necessary revisions to the report, and potentially finalize it. The ultimate goal is to establish a framework that benefits the entire seed industry by fostering collaboration and inclusivity, she says.