Seed World

Corn Growers Respond to Monarch Butterfly Listing

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has proposed listing the Monarch butterfly as a threatened species, highlighting the need for robust conservation efforts while ensuring regulatory flexibility to balance species protection with current land use practices. 

The proposal triggers a 90-day public comment period, ending on March 12, 2025. Input from growers will be essential in shaping the final rule, expected to be finalized in late 2025, and determining potential restrictions on activities impacting monarch populations.  

“As corn growers, we look forward to providing input on how we can protect Monarch butterflies without disrupting critical agricultural activities that help fuel and feed the world,” said Illinois farmer and NCGA President Kenneth Hartman Jr. in a press release.

The Endangered Species Act grants U.S. government agencies the authority to assess species’ conservation statuses and implement legal protections for those classified as endangered or threatened.  

In a news release from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, they state the “the eastern migratory population is estimated to have declined by approximately 80%. The western migratory population has declined by more than 95% since the 1980s, putting the western populations at greater than 99% chance of extinction by 2080. During this same period, the probability of extinction for eastern monarchs ranges from 56 to 74%, according to the Service’s most recent species status assessment.”

The release also notes that Monarch butterflies face significant threats, including the loss and degradation of their breeding, migratory, and overwintering habitats; exposure to insecticides; and the impacts of climate change. While many have already contributed to conserving this iconic species, further habitat restoration and protective measures are essential to secure their survival for future generations.

This proposal follows a 2014 petition to list the Monarch butterfly as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act.