Here’s Why Stewardship is So Much More Than a Buzzword

Sustainability and stewardship are critically important to the future of the seed sector and, more broadly, globally agriculture. However, they’ve been used so much, by so many, and to describe so many different initiatives that they end up often being used as buzzwords rather than actionable priorities. Seed World caught up with Corteva Agriscience’s head of product stewardship — the ideal person to speak about what really stewardship is, why it matters, what it offers, and how our sector can promote it.

“My grandfather started farming in 1947,” says Belzer. “His yields on corn were 30 bushels of the acre. Today we are bumping 250 and that’s in marginal soils. That’s innovation; that’s the ability to be able to bring things forward… What excites me is to be able to think about where we’ve been, where we’re at, and where we’re going. We have to work together to see what the promise is. It’s more than 250 bushel corn, I’ll guarantee you.”

Interested in the future of our sector? This is a conversation you won’t want to miss!