New Barley Varieties Appeal to Brewers, Bakers and Bovines

Oregon State University barley breeder Patrick Hayes.

Versatile new barley varieties just released by Oregon State University could lend subtle malt flavors to craft beer, give consumers more choice in fiber-rich barley foods, and provide high-quality forage production in areas where water is increasingly scarce.
The first new variety, Buck, is a high-yielding winter barley that performs well in a variety of Pacific Northwest conditions, says Patrick Hayes, head of OSU’s barley breeding program. Buck (so named because the kernel is “naked,” lacking an adhering seed hull) stems from a 2003 cross between a hulled feed barley developed at OSU (Strider) and a naked barley from Virginia (Doyce).
The second new variety, BSR-27, is a spring-habit hooded barley stemming from the cross of two stripe rust-resistant varieties released by OSU in the early 2000s: Tango, for livestock feed, and Sara, for forage.
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