b'Key Milestones in the Netherlands Seed Sector The Dutch seed industry continues Seed Valleyto focus on establishment, aThe Dutch seed sectorsustainability, region in NorthThe development ofThe Netherlandscontinued to globallyinnovation, and Holland that hasnew seedbecame one of theexpand, with Dutchcollaboration to become the epicentertechnologies andworlds leadingcompaniesaddress the of the Dutch seedbreeding techniquesexporters ofestablishingchallenges of industry, focusing onleads to significantvegetable seeds,partnerships andclimate change and research, developmentadvancements inwith a focus onsubsidiaries in variousensure a secure food and production ofseed quality andinnovation andcountries to distributesupply for the high-quality seeds. crop yields. quality. seeds worldwide. future.1800s 1920s 1942 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s 2010s 2000sThe Dutch Golden AgeThe creation of theThe Dutch seed sectorThe development ofThe Netherlands played a key role in sees the beginning ofNetherlands Inspectionbegan to focus ontransgenesis ininternational initiatives aimed at tulip cultivation andService for Horticulturesustainability andBelgium and theimproving global trade, laying the(Naktuinbouw), whichenvironmentalNetherlands led tofood security foundation for thesets standards andresponsibility,improved seeds,through the Netherlands future as ainspects seeds and plants,pioneering research inwhich weredevelopmentleader in the seedensuring quality andeco-friendly farminghowever notand distributionsector. reliability in the industry. practices. accepted in Europe. of high-quality seeds.2 billionis the amount of tulipsTop 5 exporters of Sowing Seeds (2022 Data from BACI)The Netherlands exports every year.Did you know aboutthe infamousTulip Mania ofNetherlandsUSAGermanyFrance Denmark $1.80 billion $955 million $730 million$675 million $451 million the 17th century?At the height of the craze, a single tulip bulbcould cost as much as a house in Amsterdam! Top 5 importers of sowing seeds (2002 Data from BACI)1.43 Billion Pounds is the amount of cheese the country produces and is oneof the top global cheeseexporters. The NetherlandsNetherlandsUSAGermanyFranceMexicois home to some of the worlds$724 million $603 million $589 million $510 million $425 million most famous cheeses, including Gouda and Edam. Sources: The Netherlands Inspection Service for Horticulture, Seed Valley website, Plantum, ISF, Acta Horticulture, USDAINTERNATIONAL EDITION 2024SEEDWORLD.COM /5'